Heat Exchanger

Accumulator Heat Exchanger 
آکومولاتور هیت اکسچنجر

Accumulator Heat Exchanger in Chillers

Radiran Company, through extensive research and effort in the field of refrigeration systems, has identified the significance of accumulators equipped with heat exchangers. These accumulators play a vital role in chiller units. By directing the liquid refrigerant to the heat exchanger of the accumulator, there is a considerable increase in the efficiency of the refrigeration cycle. This process not only moves the liquid refrigerant to the subcooling area but also provides the necessary heat for its evaporation. The result of...

Baffles design parameters

Baffles design parameters

Baffles play a crucial role in shell and tube heat exchangers. Design parameters for baffles in shell and tube heat exchangers include baffle spacing, baffle cut, baffle orientation, and baffle type. The spacing between baffles affects heat transfer and pressure drop. Baffle Spacing: -Definition: Baffle spacing refers to the distance between adjacent baffles inside a shell and tube heat exchanger. -Importance: Optimal spacing is crucial for balancing heat transfer efficiency and pressure drop. Closer spacing enhances heat transfer but increases pressure drop,...

Radiran Shell and tube heat exchangers

Shell and tube heat exchangers HEX

A shell and tube heat exchanger is a device used for transferring heat between two fluids, often liquids or gases that are at different temperatures. It consists of two main components: the shell and the tubes. In the upcoming paragraphs the different parts of the shell and tube HEX are explained in detail. 1. Shell: The shell is the outermost component and typically cylindrical in shape. It contains one fluid, known as the shell-side fluid. The shell is designed to withstand...



The shape of copper tubes in a heat exchanger can significantly impact its performance. Here are a few effects of various tube shapes: Inner Grooves: Tubes with inner grooves increase the surface area available for heat transfer. This design enhances the efficiency of heat exchange by promoting better contact between the fluid inside the tube and the tube wall. The increased surface area allows for more effective heat transfer, making the heat exchanger more efficient. Coiled Tubes: Coils provide flexibility and compactness,...