meat industry

راه‌حل‌های سرمایشی برای صنعت گوشت

Refrigeration solutions for the meat industry

RADIRAN has designed wall-mounted evaporators for deep-freezing tunnels with high-flow motor fans and high static pressure available together with high-efficiency coils, in order to reduce freezing time and promote the formation of smaller crystals. To service these high cooling capacity demands, RADIRAN offers solutions and refrigeration systems using natural refrigerants (such as ammonia (R-717), propane (R-290) or CO2 (R-744) ready for commissioning thanks to their Plug & Play configuration. Cutting or processing rooms are among the areas with the highest risk of contamination, being classified...

Refrigeration as a quality and safety contribution to the meat industry

Refrigeration as a quality and safety contribution to the meat industry

“In order to contribute to the availability of food for a constantly growing population, demanding with the quality of the products of the meat industry" Meat becomes an ideal culture medium for the growth of almost any micro-organism. This is due to its nutritional qualities, neutral post-mortem pH (pH = 6.5), high water activity (aw = 0.98), and extrinsic factors such as temperature and oxygen concentration. Meat and meat products are perishable by nature and easily susceptible to microbial contamination and chemical...